How to submit? Shines A Free Reading Lamp On Marketing And Other Ebooks


“OK, you can pick out a book,” was my favorite phrase in the whole world when I was a kid. The only way to top the joy these words sparked in me was to increase the number of books I was allowed to choose.


Usually it was Mom who was letting me select more reading material, rewarding me for being reasonably unreasonable while accompanying her on errands. Now that I’m a parent, I’m pretty sure speaking that magic phrase must have been a great joy (and relief) for her as well. Seeing her boy excited to read and beaming happily probably gave her longer lasting bliss than the pages I would soon devour gave me.


So you can understand, dear readers, why I’m so ecstatic to say to you: “OK, you can pick out as many ebooks as you like!”


Whaa… you ask? is a brand new, first edition, free ebook marketplace that gives readers access to curated content from around the web. And just in case it was lost in your understandable exuberance, that’s free marketplace. As in you pay zilch for access to loads of ebooks.


publish landing


Go ahead, jump, celebrate – I’m right there with you – before I tell you more.


A account will give you access to hundreds of ebooks on a variety of topics. Books, books, and more ebooks each with the simple click of a button. Find and download ebooks for learning or enjoyment (one in the same if you’re you a true book geek) that have been handpicked for your pleasure.


The plan for is to launch in July of 2015, in limited beta, focusing first on ebooks in the marketing niche. If you dash to the website and register to receive notification when the launch is official, the startup will send a free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing by Wyzowl, a “60 page ebook that explains everything about content marketing from planning to promotion.”


That’s a deal that we startup junkies and parents can appreciate.


Let me tell you, it does feel euphoric to share reading opportunities. I highly recommend sharing the good news about – for your own energy boost if not to introduce others to a breakout ebook marketplace.


Photo Credits | baranq/Shutterstock | BPTU/Shutterstock

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