How to submit? Can’t Fetch Your Coffee, But It Can Make Scheduling Meetings So Much Easier

Today’s Killer Startup:




Elevator Pitch: is an app for email that automatically schedules your meetings for you.


Why It’s A Killer Startup:

You know what kills excitement about a new concept or meeting so, so fast? Email chains about when and where you’re going to meet. Seriously, I exponentially hate those chains. Somehow, even with all of our devices and ways to communicate, we’ve failed pretty hard at the simple task of figuring out when we can get on the phone or meet in person.


What we all need is an assistant to take care of things, right? Yeah, right. In your startup founder/freelancer dreams.


Or is it? can’t go get you coffee, but it can make sure that you don’t ever get stuck in a scheduling email chain again. The app constantly monitors your availability and works right with the person you want to meet with, in order to find a time that works for both of you. It even remembers when you’re most likely to available and the spots that you like to meet at – automatically detects and converts timezones (Yes!!!!), and sends both parties notifications when an event has been scheduled or rescheduled. Basically, it takes care of all the BS that you know is important but that just sucks the time out of your day.


Also, just like with a real assistant, you can also totally change your meetings if doesn’t get all of the details right. However, in general, this app makes the extremely annoying task of figuring out where and when you’re going to get together just enough less annoying that you don’t have to think about it for more than a couple of minutes per day.



UGH, no one likes scheduling meetings!! Good thing there’s @assistantto to do it for you #productivity


Photo Credits: | Gajus/Shutterstock

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